Previews of our 3 books:

Available from Amazon and from Foyles Online Bookshop, London.

Find out about our latest book due for publication this summer.

Uniforms of Jena-Auerstadt.

Read below and click on page 2 of the site to see more. You’ll be able to access page 2 by clicking on either the menu icon above or the tab entitled ‘More…’.

Dead Don’t Talk Publishing

Our mission is to research and publish detailed histories of the three battles that created and defined the myth of Napoleon’s genius; the battles of Marengo, Austerlitz and Jena-Auerstadt.

First Hand Accounts

We have returned to contemporary sources to capture a view of the battlefield from those who fought in it and witnessed it.

Original Artwork, based on contemporary sources

Each one of over 300 original illustrations is based on referenced contemporary source material, including prints, paintings and written sources. We have avoided over-reliance on later 19th secondary sources, particularly where these are not otherwise supported.

Detailed Articles

Our three books have over 300 original coloured illustrations, each with an article detailing the uniforms and equipment of the regiment or unit, their role in the battle and the first hand experiences of those involved. All our sources are cited.

Maps and photographs

Our overviews of the battle fields are cross-referenced with detailed maps and photographs, that enable the reader to tour the site of the battlefield in detail and to scale.

A fresh look at the Revolutionary Wars

Our view is that to fully understand Napoleon and the Napoleonic wars, they must be placed in to the context of the French revolution and its consequences.

Different Perspectives

Our views of these battles have tried to encompass the different (often conflicting) perspectives of each of the opposing armies and of the regimental units that comprised them. We have looked at the battles from the point of view of the French, the Russians, the Austrians, the Prussians and their many disparate allies.

Our published books

Currently available on Amazon

Uniforms of Austerlitz

  • Carabinier of the 2nd Regiment of Carabiniers – General Nansouty’s Heavy Cavalry Division.
  • Find out about the creation of the Carabinier regiments, their role in the battle and how they were linked to the elite Horse Grenadiers of the old Cavalerie de Bataille.

Uniforms of Marengo

  • Gun Commander: Artillerie Legere: Garde des Consuls
  • ‘Emerging from the smoke and dust, about 50 feet behind our fleeing soldiers, I could make out a column in battle order. At first I thought they were French, but then I recognised them as a large column of Austrian Grenadiers. We had time enough to fire four rounds of grape shot from each of our three guns… These events took place under my very eyes and only a few feet away from me.’
  • Memoires du Marechal Marmont

‘With Napoleon, passion and power united themselves with a thirst for glory. He wanted to achieve glory through power and power through glory, the like of which mortal men have never achieved and will never achieve on earth; but as his genius was commensurate to his vast ambition, he believed he was certain to achieve it.’

General Victor, Duc de Bellune

Extraits des Memoires Inedits

All rights reserved. Copyright Dead Don’t Talk Publications 2024. No part of this website including images and artwork may be reproduced in any form, without permission in writing from both the copyright owner and the publishing company.

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